Know Tomato Allergy Symptoms - Few of us expect our lips feel tingling and constriction our chest when biting the Italian pizza or a sandwich. But for the small number of people with an allergy to tomatoes, that's exactly what can happen. most of us know is that food allergies are widespread and even increasing, the symptoms of tomato allergies are lesser known that the focus of most food allergies. This does not mean that the symptoms are not less stringent or worth less notice than other food allergies.
How to Know Tomato Allergy Symptoms
Recognize difference between food intolerance and true allergy. Food intolerances are more common than food allergies and, though body's chemical reaction to food can cause very real and unpleasant symptoms, food intolerances have less potential for fatality. true allergy to tomato is rare and caused by histamine reaction to protein usually found in seeds, skin and juice of tomato.
Take note of when symptoms occur. Food allergy symptoms tend to manifest very soon after food is ingested. It's important for your doctor to know timetable so that he might rule out whether you are experiencing life-threatening allergic reaction or food intolerance. You should also take note as to whether your symptoms have become increasingly worse with each exposure to tomatoes.
Avoid fresh tomatoes if after eating them you experience swelling or itching around your mouth, hives, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing or persistent skin rash. Though scientists don't know exact reason, many people with allergy to tomatoes only experience symptoms when in contact with raw fruit. Some patients can eat processed products such as catchup or tomato paste with no discernible reaction.
Connect tomato allergy symptoms to other food contact allergies. tomato plant is closely related to potatoes, eggplant and tobacco. They are all members of Deadly Nightshade family and have similar structure. Since true tomato allergy is so rare, if you're allergic it's likely that you will have symptoms after contact with these other foods too.
Make appointment with allergist or your family physician for food allergy testing. For suspected tomato allergy, you are likely to undergo both blood tests and pin-prick allergen testing. Pin-prick testing allows allergist to inject small amounts of food proteins in grid pattern on your back to look for localized reactions, while blood test can reveal increase in IgE allergy antibody in your system.
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